Professional Project Management Courses
Project Management Institute (PMI®) is the world’s leading association for project, program, and portfolio management professionals. Founded in 1969, PMI delivers value for more than three million professionals working in nearly every country in the world through global advocacy, collaboration, education and research. We advance careers, improve organizational success and further mature the project management profession through globally-recognized standards, certifications, and other resources.
Our PMP® certification training and consulting services are delivered by PMI®-certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) license holders, active members in good standing of PMI® (USA) and PMI Serbia Chapter, with more than ten years of training delivery experience.
Introduction to Project Management (Free! online self-paced course*)
• Free one-hour interactive self-paced (without an instructor) online training
• Introduction to fundamental project management practices
• Practical examples of a software development project by a small IT team
• Engaging quizzes and assignments to practice learned material
• Learn what is a project and difference between projects and operations
• What are roles, powers, and duties of a project manager
• Process groups in projects: planning, initiating, executing, controlling, and closing
• The main documents required for each of the process group
By the end of this course, you will understand the concepts of project management.
* The course is prepared on the Coursebox® platform (you need to open a free account).
Project Management Basics (Instructor-led course)
• 20 hours of interactive training in fundamental project management practices
• Course is based on PMI® methodology (as required for PMP® certification)
• Agile manifesto and framework basics with Kanban and Scrum methodologies
• Introducing artificial intelligence (AI/LLM/ML) assistance in project management
• Conducted by PMI-certified project management professionals (PMP®)
• Online virtual (Zoom) classroom or live events (for organized groups only)
This course provides basic knowledge of professional project management following the Project Management Institute (PMI®) standards and the latest advances in that field.